Tickets – Available May 1st

Tickets for Con of the Rings 2024 will be available May 1st. At that time, you will be able to buy tickets for yourself, as well as your friends and family, even if you don’t have all their information (which are a few details that we will eventually need to print out badges). We will send out occasional messages to ticket-holders that have not filled out the required badge information as a friendly reminder to finish at your earliest convenience.

Ticket prices are as follows:
-$50 for a weekend pass
-Add $22 for one Con of the Rings T-shirt
-Add $40 for two Con of the Rings T-shirts
-Add $54 for three Con of the Rings T-shirts

Shirt designs by fellow community member @Rolento. These shirts embody the saga boxes for this year’s quest extravaganza.

Fellowship of the Ring Two Towers Return of the King